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Ivory was identified with developmental delays and had difficulties with reading and understanding various aspects of life. Despite these challenges, Ivory contributed to the establishment of Ivory’s Place Inc. Despite the limitations others perceived in her, we found ways to work around them. It took time, but Ivory made progress in other life areas.

David, Ivory’s younger sibling, has been instrumental in her learning process, just like me. He even reached a point where he would respond to all the inquiries directed at his sister. To this day, he remains her protective younger brother. As Ivory grew, we all adapted to meet her needs and never ceased in our efforts to educate her. David has been a steadfast support for his sister.

Over the years, we’ve dedicated ourselves to the development of Ivory Place Inc., a task that required years of hard work. The program continues to expand, with the vision that David will eventually assume leadership.
SWEET GALORE (Bake sale)